Rising Tide Blog

Are you too time poor to manage your money?

Posted by Matt Hale

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I’m busy. It’s the modern excuse we give ourselves to relieve us of doing things that we know are important, like managing our finances. However, we still don’t give it the time and energy it deserves.

Even if the outcome is beneficial, the daunting task at hand leads us to throw it in the too hard basket if we don’t see it as an immediate priority.

The question is how can we break this habit and what are some of the things we can start doing to better prioritize things?

Here’s some handy tips:

Get organised – It’s likely that you feel busy because you may not manage your time well. Using a calendar has been proved time and again as the best option for managing your time. Plan your week in advance and diarise all the things you need to get done and give each task a deadline. You’ll easily find an extra few hours every week just by being more organized.

Leave it to the professionals!  If managing your finances is not your forte, employ a wealth coach or financial planner to help you – the money that they can help you save will be worthwhile. Just like you would hire a plumber to fix that leak or an accountant to do your taxes, a financial planner can help you sort out your finances, from consolidating your super to helping you with budgeting issues.

Don’t be a stress head  Make time to get away from the hustle and bustle of your everyday work life and do it on a budget. Even if it’s a weekend to your favourite beach getaway, it’s important to reset and recharge. Your body and brain needs a break from time to time and being too busy for too long can lead to burn out. It’s healthy to take a timeout.

With a bit of forward planning and discipline, being too busy is a thing of the past.

Call us on 03 370 330 287 or shoot us an email to help you plan for your financial future.


Matt Hale
Senior Financial Planner, Director
With more than 12 years of experience within the financial planning sector, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across a wide range of services...