Congratulations to Chris Carlin, from Master Your Money Now
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The AFA / Onepath Rising Star for 2019 – There hasn’t been a more worthy winner.
Whilst I couldn’t make it across to Adelaide for the AFA conference (unsurprisingly, travel is off the agenda with a 39-week pregnant partner), as one of the judging panel I was fortunate to be able to sit front and centre throughout the entire process.
It was a tough decision and I must say that I have been seriously impressed by Chris and the other five finalists:
- Daniel Jackson – DBK Financial Solutions
- Rebecca Maher – The Fiscal Mum
- Jade McKay – Essential Financial Advice
- Ellie Fordham – Dozzi Financial Advice
- Victoria Devine – Zella Wealth
Each of the final six bought their own advice process, flair and even different strategies to the table – but what they were all congruent on was keeping the client at the centre of their universe.
Going through an arduous process, the finalists all showed a great amount of energy, preparation and resilience, truly remarkable traits at a time when many in our industry are putting lots of things in the ‘too hard’ basket.
Hats off to Chris, showing that transitioning from corporate to small business is really doable, as long as you are willing to roll the sleeves up.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the AFA and onepath for their continual support of the award, and for allowing me to maintain my connection with the amazing young talent that is coming through our industry.
Selfishly, what I take away from being a judge in the Rising Star award;
- What we do needs to be 100% about the client
- There are amazing and inspiring new people coming through our industry
- Some new ideas to engage with our clients
- I’m incredibly lucky to work with such a talented team of unique individuals at Rising Tide
Financial advice is a tough slog sometimes, but things like this will always keep me coming back.
Once again, well done Chris and all the finalists, your recognition is thoroughly deserved.