Rising Tide Blog

‘Outstanding Leadership Awards’ for 2022

Posted by Matt Hale

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Whilst getting a pat on the back is always nice, personal glory has never been high on my list of ambitions – particularly when I am surrounded by such a fantastic team.

Recently, I was fortunate to be nominated for the ‘SME Business Leader’ category in the ‘Outstanding Leadership Awards’ for 2022 which gave me the opportunity to reflect on some of the great moments Rising Tide has had in the past few years. In no particular order, some of these highlights include:

  • Tommy and Sam buying into Rising Tide and stepping up into the leadership team
  • Transitioning our Financial Advice team from 0% to 75% female
  • Expanding our Delivery team into the Philippines and Europe
  • Articulating what our ideal clients look like, whilst also having the courage to say ‘NO’ to more prospective clients than ever before
  • Engaging with external coaches and counsel (Thanks to Peter Worn and Sean Thorpe at PWC, and the team at Slipstream coaching)
  • Executing the sale of our Accounting team with all relationships intact
  • Buying out founding Director, Chris Browne, and getting an excellent outcome for all
  • Navigating the Royal Commission outcomes and an ever-changing regulatory framework
  • Having 100% of our advisers pass the FASEA exam
  • Integrating the Wealth Enhancers team and their clients in 2021

Looking at the above reminds me of the adage that we overestimate what we can do in a short period of time, but underestimate what we can achieve in the long-term. I’m extremely proud of what the Rising Tide team has been able to achieve, and the last three years have been some of the most rewarding of my career.

However, I also know that none of the above would have been achieved without:

  1. The ongoing support of our existing and new clients
  2. The push for Rising Tide to become a more diverse company
  3. A clear goal on what we wanted to achieve
  4. Role clarity for everyone (which isn’t perfect yet, but we are getting clearer)
  5. Incredible support structures both at home and at work

On that last point, without doubt, my support structure of Annie, Max and our families are all amazing and I am incredibly fortunate to have them in my life.

As I’m writing this, Annie is 33 weeks pregnant and trying to climb under a tent that Max (our son) has clearly not designed for a heavily pregnant mama. It makes my role at Rising Tide seem pretty easy in comparison 😊

Fingers crossed I win, but just being nominated is reward enough for now!

Matt Hale
Senior Financial Planner, Director
With more than 12 years of experience within the financial planning sector, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across a wide range of services...