Rising Tide Blog

Rising Tide’s Sam Jewell named a finalist for Rising Star award

Posted by Matt Hale

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To celebrate Rising Tide’s young-gun Sam Jewell being named a finalist in the Association of Financial Advisors (AFA) Rising Star award, we have asked him to share his thoughts on the following:

1. Best thing about being a financial adviser?
To me, the best thing about being a financial adviser is the opportunity to help so many people. This job has allowed me to make so many new friends and connections, and I absolutely love sitting down with people to work out how we can make a difference to their everyday lives.

2. One thing you would like to see improved or changed in the financial service industry?
I’d like to see financial planning practices move towards more affordable advice like we have at Rising Tide. We provide financial services where many others don’t, for the people who tend to get forgotten about. Financial advice is traditionally thought to be for those more well off, but you don’t have to be earning a six-figure income to reap the benefits.

3. What worries your clients most about money?
My clients come to me with a real mixed bag of financial concerns, some worry about things like school fees, mortgage repayments, whether or not their superannuation will be enough for them to retire on. While others are concerned about what would happen to their finances if they were to get sick, how they can protect what they’ve already earned, and a build up of credit card debt.

4. What is the best thing you have helped a Rising Tide client achieve?
Some of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had, not just in my work but in my everyday life too, have been to help clients to set up exactly the right insurances for them, and to then see them receive their claims right when they’re needed. The ability to help out in such a significant way is an incredible feeling – it’s pretty hard to put into words. It means they can pay medical bills, keep paying their mortgage, their kids’ school fees, and basically, survive!

5. If you could get two things into Australian’s heads about money what would they be?
There’s an old saying that goes, “Money is like soap, the more you handle it, the less you have!” I think a lot of Australians could benefit from keeping this front of mind, and trying not to move their money around too often.

Another thing I’d love for Australians to do is to rethink their view on superannuation. Whether you like it or not, 9.5% of what we earn goes towards it so let’s give it the respect it deserves

6. How do you describe your job at BBQs?
My job is to help educate, educate, educate! When people understand the fundamentals of finance, they can make the best financial decisions to live a more enjoyable life both now and in the future.

7. Who will win the AFL Grand Final and why?
Given that their injury list is starting to shrink, my money’s on GWS to win the grand final – but I’d love to see another team win it from outside the top 4!

8. If you win the AFA Rising Star award what will it mean to you?
To win such a prestigious award so early on in my career would be an incredible honour, and it would be an amazing reward for the hard work I’ve put in over the last 4 years!

Rising Star award

Good luck Sam. We wish you all the very best.

To our awesome clients and Facebook tribe, the winner will be announced at the AFA conference on the 11th October!

Matt Hale
Senior Financial Planner, Director
With more than 12 years of experience within the financial planning sector, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across a wide range of services...