Smart ways to cash up before Christmas
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The festive season is fast approaching but before you go reaching for that trusty credit card that you’ll likely spend the first half of next year paying off, it’s worth considering the vast array of cash-earning possibilities that are available to you. If you’re smart about it and willing to think outside the box, it’s definitely possible to bundle away a decent sized chunk of cash between now and Christmas.
Consider the following options:
I’m a huge advocate for AirBnB and the potential it has to significantly boost your income. The best thing about AirBnB is that you have the ability to set the rules and parameters around your lifestyle. Only keen to open up your spare room one night a month? Fine. Only want to rent your place out while you’re away? That’s fine too. The possibilities really are endless.
Find a Flatmate
Not in to short-term leasing? This could be the perfect time to lock in a longer term flatmate for next year. Share houses are no longer only the domain of uni students. I know a number of married couples who have made the decision to share their home before they start their family. Try
If you’ve got a car then you can become an Uber driver. Just like AirBnB, the best thing about Uber is that you can arrange it around your life to fit in with another job or family commitments. Depending on how many trips you do, Uber driving can earn you around $200 for just five hours work. Not bad for a Friday night!
Car Next Door
One of our Rising Tide team members rents her car out on Car Next Door. Since she commutes to the city on public transport, she doesn’t need her car during the day. Car Next Door allows her to make use of this unused asset by providing her with the platform to rent her car out to people in her area that need it. She sets the hours it’s available for rent so she’s never without her car when she does need it. In a good month, this results in around $300 in the bank,
Sunday job in retail
In the lead up to Christmas, major retailers like David Jones and Myer are frantically looking for Christmas casuals to help them cope with the extra crowds. They’re also generally looking for people to work on the weekends and public holidays which means penalty rates. Another major benefit of taking on a summer job is the staff discounts you qualify for. Not only will you be earning extra money, you’ll also get your Christmas gifts cheaper. You may even make some new mates while you’re at it!
An oldie but a goodie, Ebay is the fastest way to earn cash by selling stuff you no longer want or need. Clothes, appliances, TV’s – you name it, you can sell it. This is also a really great way to have an annual clean out and set you and your family up to start the new year fresh.
Tax Return
If you haven’t done it already, it’s time to tick off the tax return Melbourne and ensure that refund is in your bank account pre-Christmas. We know it’s one of those tasks that you tend to keep putting off but the short-term pain is often worth it.