Trauma Insurance: Do You Really Need It Or Not?
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Nobody likes to think about getting sick, or worse still – the event that you may need to call on something as severe as Trauma Insurance. Getting so sick you can’t work to support yourself is most definitely not a pleasant thought at all. Unfortunately, life is unpredictable and while the team at Rising Tide hopes you sail through life without ever having to deal with serious illness or accident, we still think it’s prudent to prepare for the unexpected.
“But I have income protection insurance,” many people protest. Well, that’s a start and it’s certainly better than nothing. The thing with income protection insurance is that you are paid monthly. This doesn’t allow for upfront medical costs that often arise out of a serious medical condition.
With trauma insurance, in most instances, you receive an upfront, lump sum payment to spend however you’d like whether it’s a 2nd medical opinion or a holiday on your road to recovery. When faced with unexpected and heart-wrenching news, this fast access to finance is a godsend to you and your family.
In a recent article published by the Herald Sun, the total average out of pocket expenses for a woman with secondary breast cancer was up to $25,000. Without trauma insurance, many families would find it difficult to come up with the cash so quickly.
So if you’ve been avoiding the insurance chat but know you need to tackle it due to a new child or intimidating mortgage brokers we are offering an obligation free chat with one of our award-winning team. Just call and schedule your 15 min chat in the coming week.
Give us a call today on 03 370 330 287 if you would like to learn more.