How To Ask For A Pay Rise And Why You Should
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Growing up with a single mum, life was good but it was tight. It wasn’t uncommon not to have a Christmas holiday and I was constantly receiving hand me downs off my brothers. The main cause is quite apparent, Mum was a teacher and earned $30,000 annually.
Sadly my mum isn’t alone, if you’re a woman in Australia chances are you’re earning about 17% less than a male. That is a substantial difference, you might recall that earlier this year Patricia Arquette used her Oscars acceptance speech to speak about the gender pay gap that seems to exist in every single industry.
I want to put it to every woman out there to gain the courage and ask their boss for a pay rise that they know that they deserve!
- Make an Appointment – Book a specific appointment with your employer to discuss pay and ensure they know ahead of time what the meeting will be in regard to.
- Be Prepared – Provide clear evidence of why you deserve a pay rise. Whether you’ve exceed sales targets or completed projects in record time and under budget, show your employer you deserve to earn more.
- Review – If the answer is no, book a time to review their decision in six months time. If your employer can’t commit to something straight away, ask them to commit to a time frame and some specific goals so that you’ll have greater success when you next meet.
Makes good sense, don’t you reckon?
Good luck!