It’s the middle of February Already!
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Like me, I am sure that many of you are wondering how it can possibly be the middle of February already – it seems like only yesterday when we were saying farewell to a hectic 2021.
At present, my partner Tamara and I are trying to navigate the property market and are currently seeking a property in Bayside which is proving to be quite the project! That’s because, on top of finding a property that actually suits our needs, we are also trying to navigate the ever-increasing noise around interest rates – and I have had to come to terms that a rate rise is looking unavoidable.
On the work front, Katherine Spitzkowsky recently joined the Rising Tide team in January. Katherine is a financial planner with a strong technical background, having done her apprenticeship at Australian Unity – a well renowned breeding ground for good advisers.
Over the next twelve months, Katherine and I will be working closely together, and I am excited for my clients to get a fresh set of eyes and a different perspective when it comes to advice matters. That said, Katherine is also going to be building her client base throughout 2022 and beyond, so if there is anyone that you feel like could benefit from our advice, please let me know.
Katherine has been present in nearly all my meetings this year and together, we will be adopting an element of divide and conquer moving forward. One of the reasons we brought Katherine on is her strength when it comes to compliance and technical knowledge – two skill sets we are always looking to grow.
If you haven’t had the pleasure in meeting Katherine yet, please make sure you say hello – we are all confident she will be an extremely valuable asset to our clients and the Rising Tide team.
Cheers and have a great week!