Rising Tide Blog

Start planning now for a stress-free Christmas

Posted by Matt Hale

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Spring has sprung and we all know what that means!  Christmas is just around the corner.  To avoid financial stress around the festive season it’s a good idea to start thinking about your Christmas spending now.

Here are my top tips for ensuring your Christmas is free of financial stress:

  1. Write a list of Christmas expenses now (including presents, food, decorations) and start setting aside funds now to ensure you have them available.  You will be much more likely to stick to your budget if you are prepared.
  1. Get in early and suggest that your family does a Kris Kringle this year with a specified spending limit.  I love this option because it means that every member of your family receives one gift that they really want rather than lots of small gifts that they don’t want.
  1. Get your tax return done now so that you can put your refund away for Christmas expenses.
  1. For big ticket items (iPads, computers etc.) consider giving the recipient a card on Christmas day explaining that ‘Santa is on the way’ and then purchase the item at the Boxing Day sales.
  1. At Christmas time, it can be tempting to use your credit card as a fall back option.  Get ahead of the game and remove the temptation by reducing your credit card to a manageable limit now.
  1. Give a gift that really counts. Rather than buying gifts you’re going to lose interest in think about donating to the smith family or another worthwhile charity on behalf of your loved ones.
  1. Consider presents that are low in cost but high in love and thoughtfulness.  Why not whip up a batch of your favourite jam or chutney to use as gifts?
Matt Hale
Senior Financial Planner, Director
With more than 12 years of experience within the financial planning sector, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across a wide range of services...