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Rebecca Pritchard

Senior Financial Planner

Rebecca Pritchard, Senior Financial Planner at Rising Tide Financial Services, Melbourne.

Financial planning has been a big part of Rebecca’s life for nearly a decade. After personally experiencing the ground-breaking impact of financial advice in her early 20s, Rebecca transitioned from her career in corporate finance into the financial planning world, and she’s never looked back.

A curious and thoughtful nature, alongside an excellent ability to help clients articulate and achieve their goals, is what underpins Rebecca’s success. 

Alongside one to one client-facing activities, Rebecca has a wealth of experience in educating Australians about their money via her media engagements.

Rebecca’s role at Rising Tide is primarily as a client-facing adviser, but also has a significant impact on the strategic advice formulation for all clients of the business in these areas;

  • Financial Planning
  • Superannuation
  • Insurance & Wealth Protection
  • Salary Sacrificing
  • Investment Planning & Advice
  • Home Loans
  • Tax Minimisation
  • Borrowing to Invest
  • Asset Protection

Things are rarely black and white when it comes to your money, and Rebecca would agree (especially given her long-standing love of the mighty Yellow and Black).

Get in touch with Rebecca today!

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